
Rocket, nectarine and roasted halloumi salad
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Serves 4
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: *

  • 3 nectarines 
  • 1 small punnet of fresh raspberries
  • ½ red onion
  • 200g halloumi
  • 1 tbsp runny honey
  • 100g rocket
  • 250g mesclun 
  • 1 tbsp pink peppercorns

For the vinaigrette 
  • 1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar 
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • 6 large raspberries 
  • 1 tsp runny honey 

For the vinaigrette 
  1. Mix ingredients in a bowl. Season to taste and set aside. 
For the salad 
  1. Rinse fruit. Slice nectarines into thin strips. 
  2. Peel and finely slice red onion. 
  3. Slice cheese into 4 slices. Brush with honey. 
  4. Pour a little oil on the hot plancha and brown the cheese for a few seconds on each side. Add the nectarines and roast a few seconds on each side.  
  5. In 4 soup plates, divide the mesclun and rocket. Add the roasted nectarines and red onion slices. Place cheese slices over salad mixture. Sprinkle with pink peppercorns. Serve immediately.

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